Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn Seed Pods

<-- Sweet little split seed pod!  

It's one of a bunch of seed pod jewelry that I recently sold over at Eventual Invention. I even received a custom order for another pendant! It's very exciting. This line of jewelry is my very first and I had so much fun making it. It's exactly what I had in my head - organic, with a subtle palette and using natural materials with brass accents.

The creation process was really quite accidental - I explain it in the item listings in Eventual Invention, too - I was looking for some speckled clay, and I couldn't find anything in stores that matched what was in my head. So on a whim I pulled some freshly ground spices from my spice cabinet and rolled them into plain white clay, since that was what I had on hand. I figured if it works for pies it will work for jewelry! And I'm so glad. The clay smells like autumn and pumpkin pie and cinnamon and chai tea. Ohhhh it's just spectacular. The pods I already made used tigers eye stone and brown and tan wood beads for the seeds. Very autumnal in color. I made them during the summer, but I was already longing for fall. Can you tell?

So I will be making a new little pod pendant soon! I'm rather excited. :D

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